Starting this school year, TC Flight Crew is looking for school-spirited juniors and seniors to work alongside the cheerleaders and take on the responsibilities of running the sideline flags and exciting the crowd. The crew is looking for six to eight members to perform at football games, pep rallies and possibly more sports in the future. To apply to join click here.

“I’m really excited to have another way for people to get involved,” Assistant Cheer Coach and TC Flight Crew Co-Sponsor, Jessica Henley said. “I know that there is a lot of love for Timber Creek and school spirit that is shown at the games, and I just want people to have an outlet for that.”

Plans have been made to have a couple of members focus on exciting the nest and do the callbacks with the cheerleaders. Others might stand on the sidelines or even perform skits at pep rallies.

“For now they will only go to varsity games, but it could adapt and change,” Henley said. “[We] expect for it to change over the years to some capacity and become something that more people are involved in and eventually go to JV and freshman.”

Forming a new organization brings a melting pot for new and old traditions to be created and carried out to help engage and be involved with the student body, by creating more leaders within the school.

For more questions contact Coach Henley and Coach Hickman at and