Starting Monday, Aug. 26, the Daily Grind will open for breakfast in the mornings from 8:00 a.m to 8:20 a.m.

They will be serving their usual assortment of food such as muffins, yogurt, and parfaits but they will not have their more lunch related items like salads. Coffee drinks will also now be available to purchase in the morning as well.

“It doesn’t look like it’d be in a school so when you’re there, you kind of forget [you’re] at school,” Senior Jessie Eagan said.

The decision to start making breakfast available at the Daily Grind was made because of Central High School’s coffee shop’s success. Students greatly enjoyed the opportunity to grab some coffee and breakfast at the same time.

“Everyone loves our coffee shop,” Central student, Raegan Gutchess said. “We also have lemonade and cookies there and it’s super cute. It opens in the mornings and it’s open during our lunch time.”

Breakfast will still be available to purchase in the cafe.