Things are getting a little “stranger” in here.

TCFM, Timber Creek’s new student-run radio station is now available! Take a listen via this link:

Here are some Yearbook details you should really know:

The District-Wide Musical, “Grease,” opens Oct. 20 and tickets are already available to be reserved. Look!

Clubs at TCHS have provided places for students with all different interests to connect and collaborate. Check out some of the new clubs here:

Attention Freshman, if you registered on-site at Fish Camp and have not picked up your shirt yet, you need to see Mrs. Cleveland before or after school next week. After next Friday, we will donate the shirts.

If you did not attend the Green Cord Meeting on Tuesday and would like to get more information, please visit Mrs. Cleveland before or after school in N229

There will be Student Council Meeting on 10/3 in the Lecture Hall at 4pm.

Are you looking for general information on financial aid and student loans? There will be a session on FAFSA 101 on Oct. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fossil Ridge Auditorium.

Hey Timber Creek, it’s time to show your school spirit! Starting Today, our school will be taking part in the Healthy High School Challenge, and we’ll be competing against high schools around the country to see who can win some of the $80,000 in cash prizes. During October, for every combo meal in the cafeteria, healthy snack or beverage purchase you make, we earn points toward winning the Healthy High School Challenge and the top prize of $5,000. Plus, we can earn DOUBLE POINTS for purchasing the “featured” healthy snack, beverage or entrée of the week getting us closer to that top honor. The best part is you’ll be helping us claim victory while enjoying some delicious and healthy food at the same time. Remember, the Healthy High School Challenge starts Monday. More information on the challenge is available in the cafeteria.

National Honor Society Members – You must attend one of the October meetings: Wednesday, October 5th at 4pm or Thursday, October 6th at 8am.  Please be on time or you will not be admitted to the meeting.

Join President David L. Boren and the Office of Admissions & Recruitment for the annual OU Presidential Dinner in Dallas on Thursday, October 6. You will have the opportunity to meet the Deans of our academic colleges, engage with our staff and current students, and more importantly, hear why joining the Sooner family is a great choice! Interested? RSVP by Tuesday, October 4.

Need to know how to pay for college without going broke? College planning expert, Kevin Campbell with Ducerus, shares secrets and insider tips to send you to schools you never thought you could afford. Come to the FREE workshop put on by the Timber Creek P-T-S-A on Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the lecture hall.